时间:2021-1-26 17:03
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'列号转字母(列名) Function Num2Name(ByVal ColumnNum As Long) As String On Error Resume Next Num2Name = "" '超出范围返回空,如调用Num2Name(100000) Num2Name = Replace(Cells(1, ColumnNum).Address(0, 0), "1", "") 'Cell.Address用来返回单元格的地址,参数(0,0)返回相对地址A1,参数(1,1)返回绝对地址$A$1 End Function '字母(列名)转列号 Function Name2Num(ByVal ColumnName As String) As Long On Error Resume Next Name2Num = -1 '超出范围返回0,如调用Name2Num("AAAA") ,EXCEL没有那么多列 Name2Num = Range("A1:" & ColumnName & "1").Cells.Count End Function '展示所有行 Function ShowAllROW() Dim ALLRow As Long ALLRow = 5991 '最后一行行数 For i = 1 To ALLRow ActiveSheet.Rows(i).Hidden = False Next End Function '主函数 Sub PPH() Dim ALLRow As Long, ALLLine As Long Dim NowRow As Long, NowLine As Long Dim HideFlag As Boolean ALLRow = 5991 '最后一行行数 ALLLine = Name2Num("AA") '最后一列列名 For NowRow = 2 To ALLRow HideFlag = True For NowLine = 2 To ALLLine If Cells(NowRow, NowLine) = "NULL" Then '包含NULL则不隐藏 HideFlag = False Exit For End If If NowLine = 2 Then '跳过列为2 Else If Cells(NowRow, NowLine - 1) <> Cells(NowRow, NowLine) Then '与前一列值不等则不隐藏 HideFlag = False Exit For End If End If Next If HideFlag Then '隐藏当前行 ActiveSheet.Rows(NowRow).Hidden = True End If Next End Sub
Sub PPH() Dim ALLRow As Long, ALLLine As Long Dim NowRow As Long, NowLine As Long Dim TotalNum As Long '总表数 Dim Flag As Boolean ALLRow = 48536 '最后一行行数 TotalNum = 0 For NowRow = 2 To ALLRow Step 17 Flag = False If Cells(NowRow, Name2Num("B")) = "有校表" Then For i = 0 To 16 NowLine = Name2Num("H") If Cells(NowRow + i, NowLine) Like "[\[]202*" Then '正则匹配[202开头 Flag = True Exit For End If NowLine = Name2Num("K") If Cells(NowRow + i, NowLine) Like "[\[]202*" Then '正则匹配[202开头 Flag = True Exit For End If NowLine = Name2Num("N") If Cells(NowRow + i, NowLine) Like "[\[]202*" Then '正则匹配[202开头 Flag = True Exit For End If NowLine = Name2Num("Q") If Cells(NowRow + i, NowLine) Like "[\[]202*" Then '正则匹配[202开头 Flag = True Exit For End If Next If Flag = True Then TotalNum = TotalNum + 1 For i = 0 To 16 ActiveSheet.Rows(NowRow + i).Interior.Color = vbYellow '标记当前表的背景色 Next End If End If Next Cells(1, Name2Num("R")) = "总表数" & TotalNum '输出统计结果 End Sub
'Private Declare PtrSafe Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long'调用延时函数 Private Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long '调用延时函数 '字母(列名)转列号 Function Name2Num(ByVal ColumnName As String) As Long On Error Resume Next Name2Num = -1 '超出范围返回0,如调用Name2Num("AAAA") ,EXCEL没有那么多列 Name2Num = Range("A1:" & ColumnName & "1").Cells.Count End Function '自定义延时函数 Sub Delay(T As Long) Dim time1 As Long time1 = timeGetTime Do DoEvents Loop While timeGetTime - time1 < T End Sub '点击清除按钮 Private Sub CleanColor_Click() ActiveSheet.Rows(3).Interior.ColorIndex = 0 '删除背景色 End Sub '点击计时按钮 Private Sub TimeCount_Click() Dim DelayTime As Long Dim StartRow As Long, EndRow As Long Dim NowRow As Long, NowLine As Long Dim NowTimeRow As Long, NowTimeLine As Long '*******参数设置************** DelayTime = 1000 '设置延时时间 单位为毫秒 如500为0.5秒 1000为1秒 NowRow = 3 '设置变化的起始行数 StartRow = Name2Num("B") '设置变化的起始列 例如 B EndRow = Name2Num("T") '设置变化的结束列 例如 Q NowTimeLine = Name2Num("B") '设置系统时间位置列数 NowTimeRow = 1 '设置系统时间位置行数 '********************** Cells(NowTimeRow, NowTimeLine) = Format(Now(), "yyyy年mm月dd日 hh:mm:ss:") & Format((Timer - Int(Timer)) * 1000, "000") For i = StartRow To EndRow NowLine = i Delay DelayTime ActiveSheet.Cells(NowRow, NowLine).Interior.Color = vbRed '标记当前表的背景色为红色 Cells(NowTimeRow, NowTimeLine) = Format(Now(), "yyyy年mm月dd日 hh:mm:ss:") & Format((Timer - Int(Timer)) * 1000, "000") Next End Sub '单元格点击事件 Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Not Application.Intersect([B4:T10], Target) Is Nothing Then '仅在B4:T10范围内点击起作用 If Target.Value = "" Then '如果单元格为空 Target.Value = "▲" Else Target.Value = "" End If End If End Sub